July 22, 2022: Help us out by filling out a short user survey!
- search Load from databases, REST APIs and files
- code Script in your favorite language
- bar_chart Create beautiful visualizations
- lock Data never leaves your machine
- favorite Windows, macOS, or Linux

And if you deploy the DataStation server
Coming soon :)
20+ databases
8 languages
- Python
- Ruby
- Julia
- Deno
- R
- JavaScript
- In-memory SQL
13 file types
- Avro
- Parquet
- JSON, JSON Newline, Concatenated JSON
- Excel (XLSX)
- Apache Error Logs
- Apache Access Logs
- Nginx Access Logs
- Newline-delimited Custom Regexp
This list is constantly growing. Not seeing a database or file type you need? Open an issue.
library_booksRead the docs
Learn how to query all supported databases. How to graph and view results. And how to script and join different panels.